Borrowing 2 Digit Subtraction, Grade 2

Students must have an understanding of basic subtraction and place value in order to be successful with borrowing.

1.  Introduce using base 10 blocks.




2.  Model 24 using 2 longs, and 4 cubes; and 16 using 1 long and 6 cubes.

3.  Show how there are not enough cubes to take 6 away from 4.  So exchange a long(10) for 10 cubes.  Now there are 14 cubes - 6 cubes in the ones place. Subtract 14 - 6=8.

4.  Complete 14-6 and identify that there is only 1 long left from 24, so subtract your numbers in the tens place1 - 1=0.

5.  Note the check! If you add 8 to 16, then the answer will be 24.